Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 6

No Class Tuesday (11/1)
Read Chapters 9 and 10 (Reviewed Thursday 11/3)
Keep working on Business Plan rough draft (Due Thursday)

Thursday (11/3)
Submit paper copy of business plan "Rough Draft" with (Business Plan Assignment #2 Rough Draft) cover sheet located on D2L completed
Human Relations Movement
Motivation (Pink)
Intrinsic + Extrinsic Rewards (examples)
Hawthorn Studies
Maslow thing
Civil Rights Act (M&M Lecture)
Question Cards

Read Chapters 11/12

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week 4

Week 4, 10/18 and 10/20

  1. Homework due
  2. Icebreakers
  3. Chapter 6 slides
  4. What do managers really do?
  5. Big 5 (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing Controlling)
  6. Command and Control Vs. Coordinate and Cultivate (examples)
  7. Chapter 7 Slides
  8. Organizational Culture (informal/formal)
  9. Org. Chart
  10. Centralized vs. Decentralized
  11. Type of Organizational structures
  12. Teams
  13. Team examples 
  14. Question Cards
  15. Review Chapter 8 10/20
  16. Bowling Alone Concept 
  17. No Homework this weekend (Study for mid-term)
  18. Business Plan Team (Rough Draft 11/3)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 3

Thursday 10/12 Class

  1. 5 Questions (Icebreakers)
  2. Review Chapter 5 Slides 
  3. Question cards
  4. Business Plan Team planning session

Week 4 chapters 6, 7, 8
Homework (1) "Check Your Progress" questions chapter 6, 7, 8 (individual)
Answer all "Check Your Progress" questions chapter 6, 7, 8: Due 10/18
Homework (2) "Learn The Term" definitions chapters 6, 7, 8 (Business Plan)
Divide up workload, coordinator submits definition email to me via 9pm. 

Homework Due start of class (Late assignments not accepted)
Icebreaker 5 questions
Current Even
Chapter 4 SWOT (in class)
Business plan Formation Assignment (in class) 
Quick Update Rough Draft date set (11/3)
Chapter 4 discussions topics
Question cards
Reminder Mid Term  (chapters 1-8 10/25)
10/27 is a Business Plan Day (in class)
11/1 (No class, Work on Business Plan)  
Rough Draft Due 11/3 

Forms of Ownership  (Oregon) 
  1. Sole Proprietorship
  2. Partnership
  3. Corporation
  4. S Corporation 
  5. LLC
  • Merger
  • Leveraged Buyout 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 2, Class 2 Thursday October 6

5 Question (icebreaker)
International Business (doing business across national boundaries)
I, Pencil 
Absolute Advantage (monopoly)
Competitive Advantage (home court advantage)
Outsourcing (transferring functions/processes to advantage/labor)
Print out Class Notes "SWOT Analysis" and bring to class (D2L)
SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats)
Balanced Trade (SWOT)
Trade Deficit (SWOT)
China Market (SWOT)
Developed Vs. Less Developed Nations
Economic Barriers (physical barriers)
Exchange Rate
Tariffs and Restrictions (Quota, Embargo, Dumping)
Political Barriers
Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Home work is posted on D2L (class notes formate due Tuesday 10/11

  1. Business Plan Team Selection
  2. Business Plan Team Formation Email Assignment 
  3. Email to me: (team member names, product or service) by 9pm
  4. Subject in email should read: class section # (007 or 006) and coordinators last name

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 2

Chapter 2 Review
The World is Flat
3 Eras of Globalization
Business Plan Grouping (Mornings, Afternoon, Night, Combination)
5 Post it Note Questions

Business Ethics (Principles/standards for acceptable conduct in business)
     Determined by: Organization, Individuals, Stakeholder, Government, Competitors
American's Trust in Institutions
Why? (Thinking Wells Fargo)
What might be some reasons?
How can business counter this trend?
Social Responsibility
Sarbanes-Oxley (Criminalized securities fraud early 2000's)
Dodd-Frank Act (Reform financial industry)
What is the financial industry?
Every had a problem with the finale industry?
What are ethical issues? (related to business)
Wells Fargo Event
Recognizing Ethical Issues (Conflict of interest, Misuse of time/resources)
Companies Must

  1. Abide by Laws
  2. Cause no harm through dishonesty 
  3. Use company resources fairly and honestly 
  4. Be aware of company policies
  5. Recognize ethical behavior 
Code of Ethics and Whistleblowing 
Discuss the Nature of Social Responsibility 
  1. Maintain proper accounting procedures 
  2. Provide investor relevant information
  3. Protect owners rights and investment 
  4. Provide safe work environment 
  5. Provide equal opportunity
  6. Listen to grievances 
  7. Respect Consumer RightsBe
  8. Be upfront with Sustainability Issues 
  9. Support worthy cause's
  10. Prevent ethical dilemma's