Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 2

Chapter 2 Review
The World is Flat
3 Eras of Globalization
Business Plan Grouping (Mornings, Afternoon, Night, Combination)
5 Post it Note Questions

Business Ethics (Principles/standards for acceptable conduct in business)
     Determined by: Organization, Individuals, Stakeholder, Government, Competitors
American's Trust in Institutions
Why? (Thinking Wells Fargo)
What might be some reasons?
How can business counter this trend?
Social Responsibility
Sarbanes-Oxley (Criminalized securities fraud early 2000's)
Dodd-Frank Act (Reform financial industry)
What is the financial industry?
Every had a problem with the finale industry?
What are ethical issues? (related to business)
Wells Fargo Event
Recognizing Ethical Issues (Conflict of interest, Misuse of time/resources)
Companies Must

  1. Abide by Laws
  2. Cause no harm through dishonesty 
  3. Use company resources fairly and honestly 
  4. Be aware of company policies
  5. Recognize ethical behavior 
Code of Ethics and Whistleblowing 
Discuss the Nature of Social Responsibility 
  1. Maintain proper accounting procedures 
  2. Provide investor relevant information
  3. Protect owners rights and investment 
  4. Provide safe work environment 
  5. Provide equal opportunity
  6. Listen to grievances 
  7. Respect Consumer RightsBe
  8. Be upfront with Sustainability Issues 
  9. Support worthy cause's
  10. Prevent ethical dilemma's 

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