Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week 4

Week 4, 10/18 and 10/20

  1. Homework due
  2. Icebreakers
  3. Chapter 6 slides
  4. What do managers really do?
  5. Big 5 (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing Controlling)
  6. Command and Control Vs. Coordinate and Cultivate (examples)
  7. Chapter 7 Slides
  8. Organizational Culture (informal/formal)
  9. Org. Chart
  10. Centralized vs. Decentralized
  11. Type of Organizational structures
  12. Teams
  13. Team examples 
  14. Question Cards
  15. Review Chapter 8 10/20
  16. Bowling Alone Concept 
  17. No Homework this weekend (Study for mid-term)
  18. Business Plan Team (Rough Draft 11/3)

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