Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 2, Class 2 Thursday October 6

5 Question (icebreaker)
International Business (doing business across national boundaries)
I, Pencil 
Absolute Advantage (monopoly)
Competitive Advantage (home court advantage)
Outsourcing (transferring functions/processes to advantage/labor)
Print out Class Notes "SWOT Analysis" and bring to class (D2L)
SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats)
Balanced Trade (SWOT)
Trade Deficit (SWOT)
China Market (SWOT)
Developed Vs. Less Developed Nations
Economic Barriers (physical barriers)
Exchange Rate
Tariffs and Restrictions (Quota, Embargo, Dumping)
Political Barriers
Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Home work is posted on D2L (class notes formate due Tuesday 10/11

  1. Business Plan Team Selection
  2. Business Plan Team Formation Email Assignment 
  3. Email to me: hirons@pdx.edu (team member names, product or service) by 9pm
  4. Subject in email should read: class section # (007 or 006) and coordinators last name

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