Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review (12/1)

  1. In terms of profit what role does Risk play?
  2. In terms of goods and services what role does Demand play?
  3. In the world of finance resources what does Capital mean?
  4. Provide an example of an Ethical issue in a for profit business?
  5. What role would a Code of Ethics play in your example?
  6. Fixed tariff (example)
  7. NAFTA (What is it?)
  8. Dividends (example)
  9. What was the Organizational Culture like at your last job?
  10. Define Operations Management
  11. Describe Just-in-time management
  12. Motivation, why study it in business management classes?
  13. Who is Elton Mayo? How is he related to Elton John?
  14. Hawthorne Studies. What were they?
  15. Who is Maslow?
  16. Describe a Theory X manager

  • Equity Theory
  • Expectancy Theory
  • Job Enrichment
  • Job analysis
  • Selling
  • Demographic
  • Psychological Pricing
  • Marketing Mix
  • CPA
  • Liabilities
  • Balance Sheet
  • Depreciation

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